Our Approach
Why Family Movies in the Park?
Strong communities provide ample opportunity for children and families to gather collectively to share experiences. These opportunities usually present themselves in the form of activities with few, if any, barriers to participate. These shared experiences are what knit the fabric of a community together.
A Better Jamaica’s Family Movies in the Park addresses the shortage of these community building opportunities by exhibiting 16 free family-friendly movies across four local parks. In doing so, we strengthen the community by providing an inexpensive opportunity for the renewal of community/family ties.
The films are exhibited on a 25’ inflatable screen and begin at dusk – between 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm.
Our Story
Meet the Team
Family Movies in the Park is fired by a crew of Summer Youth Employment Workers. Here is the latest crew!

SYEP 2019 Crew
Luca, Daneillia, Kala and Dylan